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Bedrijvenplatform Milieu offers the following membership categories:
Curaçao Companies & Organizations
Number of employees(including contract personnel) | Annual Contribution |
1 to 5 | ANG 250.00 |
6 to 50 | ANG 500.00 |
more than 50 | ANG 1,000.00 |
International Companies & Organizations
Number of employees(including contract personnel) | Annual Contribution |
1 to 50 | USD 275.00 |
more than 50 | USD 550.00 |
* Membership fees are due per calendar year.
* Initial membership fees are prorated on a quarterly (i.e. 3 month) basis with a minimum fee for one quarter.
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BPM’s mission
BPM’s mission is to promote and supports the use of EQOHS management systems within companies and organizations in the commercial and service industries, for the benefit of its members and for sustainable economic growth on Curaçao.
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Baseline Study Greening Curacao April 2022May 4, 2022/0 Comments
BPM Curacao waste MatrixNovember 16, 2019/
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