Minimum Sustainability Standards
The Minimum Sustainability Standards (MSS), developed by BPS, provide a roadmap towards sustainability for businesses. The MSS consist of several efforts that are based on the basic sustainability concepts of People, Planet & Profit (PPP).
The MSS are the only national sustainability standards. Several locally operating global companies have gone through the process and received certification to comply with the requirements of their headquarters or to be able to export.
MSS consist of 3 levels:
1. Caterpillar – phase 1
2. Cocoon – phase 2
3. Butterfly – phase 3
Applicants are awarded points for each effort that is achieved and must achieve a 60% passing score to receive the certificate and move to the next level. There are some mandatory efforts. However, applicants have the liberty to choose which sustainable efforts they want to implement since some efforts are easier to implement for certain types of businesses.
The higher the level, the more challenging the targets are. The first level is merely to achieve the basic sustainability foundation and this does not require much manpower or resources. The second level is more challenging, and will require more efforts and will probably require amount of funding. The third and final level is the most challenging. It requires additional investments, and dedicated efforts and manpower.
Applicants that achieve a sustainability level receives an ‘award’ and local publicity.
To start the process, please contact the MSS coordinator at
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